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Registration includes proceedings, entrance to the conference rooms, conference events (reception, banquet, etc), and coffee breaks.

One author registration (regular paper author registration, short/workshop paper author registration, or poseter/demo paper author registration) is necessary for each paper to be published in the PDCAT 2009 Proceedings and PDCAT 2009 Program. Even if an author has been accepted for two or more papers, an author registration is required to each of the papers.

An Attendee who needs an invitation letter to get Japanese Visa must register as Author Registration or Advance Registration. Please see Visa.

Although extra page charge is 110 USD in IEEE CPS web page, we will request to pay 10,000 JPY (Japanese Yen).

Regular Paper Author Registration (Closed)

  • 50,000 JPY for up to 8 pages, and 60,000 JPY for 9 pages

Short/Workshop Paper Author Registration (Closed)

  • 40,000 JPY for up to 6 pages, and 50,000 JPY for 7 pages

Poster/Demo Paper Author Registration (by November 20)

  • 35,000 JPY for up to 4 pages, and 40,000 JPY for 5 pages

Advance Registration (by November 20)

  • Advance Registration is applied to an attendee who has no PDCAT main conference or workshop paper, or who has a paper but another author of the paper has registered as author registration for it.
  • 30,000 JPY

On-site Registration

  • 40,000 JPY

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund is not possible for the paper author registration. Cancellations for the advance registration must be received in writing to on or before November 13, 2009, to receive a 70-percent refund. Cancellations received after November 13, 2009 are not entitled a refund.

For Japanese residents registration (日本の居住者の方の銀行振込による参加登録)

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