To Prospective Foreign Students

To Prospective Foreign Students

I have too many inquiries from foreign students who want to be supervised. It seems to me that some of them send such inquiries lightly and casually. Therefore, I would like to filter such inquiries by requesting a report.

A foreign student who wants to be a graduate student under my supervision should:

  1. read my article "10000 yen game",
  2. design an original C-language program of 10000 yen game with your new idea and strategy,
  3. write a report on your program including the source code and the explanation of your new idea and strategy,
and email me your report in PDF. Your program must win for all 3 programs, always, minus1, and random. Your report should be written in English or Japanese, and clearly explains your new idea and strategy.

If this is too much work for you, you should not send an inquiry to me. I really expect a well-written report from you. I will accept you as a graduate or research student if you write a good report on 10000 yen game, regardless of your grade or the rank of your undergraduate university.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments on the 10000 yen game.

Koji Nakano, Professor, Hiroshima University